2025 Event Schedule (subject to change!)
Friday, August 29, 2025
8:30 am: Farmer's Market on Main Street
7:30 pm - The Fantasticks, CRT performance
9:30 pm -Boomtown! Improv Comedy at the Ruth
Saturday, August 30, 2025
7:30 am - Creede Mountain Run, Loma Ave. (behind Kentucky Belle Market) 50K & 22 Miler
9:00 am - Creede Mountain Run, Loma Ave, 12 Miler & 2 Mile Run/Walk
11:00 am - Salsa Fiesta Begins
1:00 pm - Silent Sky, CRT performance
7:00 pm - Xanadu, CRT performance
9:00 pm - Live Music at Tommyknocker
Sunday, August 31, 2025
11:00 am - Church services – Community Church, Baptist Church
1:00 pm - 39 Steps, CRT performance
Creede Mountain Run
Saturday morning - Open registration,
all age groups! The Creede Mountain Run, established in 1987, celebrates the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall in our small mountain community. This event offers participants the opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking San Juan Mountains in Colorado for 50k, 22 miles, 12 miles, or 2-mile races!
Salsa Fiesta
Spicing up the Labor Day weekend, Creede hosts a festival celebrating our versions of a Southwest staple. The annual Salsa Fiesta has become a hot ticket item (pun intended) and people travel from all over the country to taste test their way to a cool glass of water. The best part of this festival—you’re the judge. There are usually 15-plus stations throughout the downtown area in which local chefs and businesses try their hands at creating original salsa concoctions that fall into four categories: Red, Green, Fruit, and Freestyle. There is always live music on Main Street or in Basham Park to help you dance your way to the next chip bowl.
Those who wish to brave the heat can purchase tasting tickets at the Visitor Center or online.
Labor Day Weekend Described: Give the 2019 Podcast a Listen Here
Past Winners of Salsa Fiesta