Memorial Day Weekend • May 24th - 26th, 2025
Artist Demonstrations • Live Music • Vendors
Cooking Competition and Demonstrations • Children's Activities
Artist’s Quick Draw • ART Auction
(2025 Schedule Subject to Change)
Saturday, May 24th
10am - 5pm: Artists' on Main Street, Beer Garden, Food Samples, Craft Vendors, Kids Bounce House, Museum Tours, and Sidewalk Sales
10am - 3pm: Opening of the National Small Prints Show at the Creede Repertory Theatre. creedeartscouncil.com
Noon - 3pm Live Music under the Tent at the Creede Hotel
1pm: Cooking Competition & Judging
5pm-8pm: Live Music under the Tent at the Creede Hotel
6pm: Opening of Xanadu, creederep.org
Sunday, May 25th
Noon - 1pm: Creede Hotel Cooking Demo @ Arps
1 pm: Artists' Quick Draw on Main Street
1pm: Xanadu, creederep.org
2:30pm: Live Art Auction
Monday, May 26th
11am: Memorial Day Service in Basham Park honoring our Veterans (provided by the Creede Elk's Lodge BPOE #506)
This year’s 37th Annual Taste of Creede Festival will showcase local art and cuisine on Main Street. This annual event was envisioned by local artist Steven Quiller and the Taste of Creede Festival will delight visitors with inspired art, theatre, live music and great food.
Wander among the 25+ artists on Main Street Saturday, as they bring to life their latest works. Pick a bench in Basham Park and enjoy listening to live music while noshing delectable treats. Alcoholic beverages purchased from participating business are permitted outdoors within designated blocks of downtown. Sample the flavors of this unique boomtown with a local chefs competition and tasty demos!
Peak into the Creede Repertory Theatre to grab tickets for a production of Xanadu, a hilarious, rollerskating, disco pop musical. Peruse this year's National Small Prints Show exhibition, where artists from all across America and Canada compete in a juried show with matted, hand-pulled prints.
On Sunday, head north on Main Street after lunch for the annual Quick Draw event. Artists begin with a blank canvas and have one hour to complete their one-of-a-kind works. Afterward, these pieces are offered in the annual art auction. Artists are readily available to offer their expertise to other interested art lovers.
Interested in becoming a Main Street Vendor for the Taste of Creede? Contact the Creede Farmer's Market at
2025 Featured Artist: TBA
Past Winners of Taste of Creede Community Cook Off