Creede Woodcarvers Rendezvous Colorado

Come to Creede, Colorado to learn to carve or improve your skills, where the mountains are high, the sky is clear and cold rivers are full of fish. Woodcarving classes are held in the Community Center, and Fire House, next to the Underground Mining Museum. 30 Instructors teach a large variety of classes over 7 days, from beginner to advanced skill levels. Check out the tool and wood vendors, artist displays and sales. Activities include an Auction, Drawings, and Banquet. Non-carving craft classes are also available.


Creede & Mineral County Visitor Center & Chamber of Commerce

Open Tue-Sat 9am - 4pm, Lunch 1-2
904 S. Main St., PO Box 580
Creede CO 81130
Area Information Located North of Door. Free WiFi is always on!


Donations are appreciated. As a non-profit organization, we thrive on the kindness and charity of our visitors. Thank you!